Developing Partnerships

Work together. Change lives. Improve the world. 

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We Support WikiCharities Seal

Become a WikiCharities supporter and partner and help us improve transparency and trust in the nonprofit sector.  Join us as we expand our trusted database to every corner of the earth, allowing anyone to search for trusted nonprofits, and their services, in their own community.  Learn more about different partnership types below.

Organizations can place this seal on their website/social media platforms with a link back to WikiCharities to show their support.  If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact us

$1 for First Annual Validation

Full Partnership Discount

Are you a nonprofit association, company or foundation that supports nonprofits through your products, volunteers or funding?  WikiCharities wants to partner with you and offer the nonprofits you serve only $1 for the first annual validation, with the ability to renew at the same price. Read below to apply for a partnership with WikiCharities.

Partership Types

Collaborative or Partnership Requirements & Benefits.

help us grow


Gives funds, resources or volunteers to help WikiCharities grow. We encourage our Donors to put the WikiCharities Support Seal/Logo on their website.


WikiCharities can list all Donors on our website.

Donate Now
Volunteer - Find a Charity

expand outreach


Supporters encourage nonprofits to become active on WikiCharites and ultimately become validated. We encourage our Supporters to mention to their customers through their onboarding process. Supporters also promote WikiCharities by posting the WikiCharities Support Seal/Logo on their website and link directing to


WikiCharities will promote our Supporter's products & services on the resource list when relevant for the nonprofit sector.

Post our Logo
Use our Seal

Supporter Requirements

make a difference

Full Partner

Our partners require or use the WikiCharities validation in their onboarding or vetting process. This helps bring trust to the services our partners offer and ensures the expansions of our trusted nonprofit community. We encourage our partners to place the WikiCharities logo/seal and link to on their website and social media.


WikiCharities will promote our Partner's products & services on the resource list when relevant for the nonprofit sector.

WikiCharities will create a personalized partner link/page where nonprofits have access to $1 discount code ($99 value) for the first annual validation.

WikiCharities will promote a partner's product or service through our validation process when it's relevant to the nonprofit sector.

Contact Us

Post our Logo
Use our Seal

Apply to be a Partner

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Community Approach

Working Together to Create Better Outcomes

We believe that in order to improve outcomes, we need to work to engage all 3 areas of the nonprofit community. By doing this, we help nonprofits expand their opportunities to reach a broader audience through our validation. 

  1. NGOs: These are registered nonprofits and charities located around the world.
  2. NONPROFIT RESOURCE PROVIDERS: This group includes anyone that provides resources to nonprofits. This includes foundations, donors, company csr programs, governments, volunteers, etc.
  3. THOSE IN NEED: One of the main reasons why those in need don't find help is because they don't know where to find help. We are a growing database of nonprofits, and their services, searchable on our homepage map.

What does a partnership mean?

As WikiCharities grows to meet the needs of communities, creating partnerships to help us along this journey is crucial to the success of our mission.  Partnerships include the following roles:



our mission.

A partner needs to be a promoter of the mission of WikiCharities. This includes encouraging all nonprofits to be listed in WikiCharities database and actively validated.   



to improve our methods.

As WikiCharities grows, we are looking for partnerships to give suggestions, feedback, and encouragement to improve the tools needed to reach those who need it.  



to further our mission.

Partnerships need to participate in financially contributing to the development of WikiCharities and furthering the mission. 


Drive Outcomes

to measure impact.

By working with partners, WikiCharities will be able to report on the number of nonprofits impacted in each community, nation and on a global market.  



to pursue innovations.

As we begin this incredible journey with WikiCharities and our partners, it is important for all of us to be leaders in pursuing innovative ways to improve the world both online and in our communities.

Health Clinic in Beira, Mozambique

WikiCharities (Given Tree) + Care for Life Partnership