

Improving Collaboration & Connection with Nonprofits.

Welcome to WikiCharities & Nonprofit Hive Partnership Page! 

Working Together to Improve Connection.

We are teaming up to help nonprofits expand their outreach by providing a place where nonprofits can increase their transparency through the WikiCharities validation and where they can continue to connect with amazing nonprofit leaders around the world.  When nonprofits work together, outcomes are better - So we will continue to offer tools to make it easier for nonprofit leaders to connect. Keep reading to learn more about the WikiCharities Validation and how you can start for only $1 (see below).

Hivers get $1 on their first annual WikiCharities Validation ($99 Value).
Discount Code: nonprofithive24

Increase Transparency.
Improve Outreach.

We are excited to announce a partnership between WikiCharities and Nonprofit Hive, as we work to expand our collaborative tools to help nonprofit leaders connect. All nonprofit leaders actively connecting through Hive Chats can now access their first annual validation on WikiCharities for only $1 - with the option to renew at the same low price ($99 value).

Claim your FREE nonprofit profile page & get validated.

To take advantage of the ongoing $1 annaul validation, complete all 6 steps.

$1 Validation Checklist.

Want to maintain your annual validation?  Complete these 6 items to help expand our outreach. Discount Code: nonprofithive24

How to become validated.

3 Steps to Validation

$1 Discount Code: nonprofithive24

We currently have 2.1 million U.S. & Canadian charities in our database. Can't find your nonprofit in our database? Read how to add a nonprofit to our database.

More Details on the Checklist for Nonprofits to Access $1 Validation

  1. Have a Sponsor: Nonprofits must be a member of a nonprofit association, coalition or foundation to access the $1 validation fee discount code and become validated. Nonprofit Hive is the "sponsor" of this discount code (see below).
  2. Follow Us on Social Media: Nonprofits need to follow WikiCharities on all social media platform they are active on - YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter (X), TikTok
  3. Interactive with us on Social Media: Like, Comment and Share one WikiCharities post on each platform.
  4. Claim your FREE profile page & activate the annual subscription using the $1 discount code provided by your sponsor. Complete all questions on your profile page. Please make sure you add all areas of focus or topics you focus on, which allows you to be more searchable on our map. 
  5. Link to us on your website: After validation is approved, place WikiCharities validation seal and/or logo on your website linking to your WikiCharities profile page. 
  6. Refer 2 nonprofits to join WikiCharities for $1, using same discount code. This step can be completed during the following year prior to being validated again. 


WikiCharities was officially launched in 2021, where we have grown to become the largest open-acess global database for nonprofits in the world. Nonprofit Hive was started in 2023, and quickly grown to hundreds of nonprofit leaders connecting around the world. 

About WikiCharities

WikiCharities is creating a global space where charities can connect, be validated and collaborate with other like-minded organizations.

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About Nonprofit Hive

The Nonprofit Hive is on a mission to create a space for nonprofiteers to connect, collaborate, and thrive.

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Not in our Database?

Nonprofits can now request to add themselves to our database.  All newly formed nonprofit organizations need to pay full validation fee to create a profile page, but can access the $1 validation the following year. 

 Get Started

Discount Code: nonprofithive24