Impact Growing Around the Globe
The Journal of Nonprofit Innovation.
What is JoNI?
Journal of Nonprofit Innovation (JoNI) is bridging the gap between academic research and nonprofit activity on the ground. JoNI was created to bridge the gap between research and nonprofits on the ground and promote innovative approaches to solving community and global issues. JoNI does this through bringing awareness to best practices, spotlighting innovative approaches, and providing an open-access, online journal for the nonprofit sector. JoNI provides a platform for both 1) academics to share research with the nonprofit sector and 2) nonprofit leaders to find/review the latest research on community issues and share innovative approaches.
Journal Readership

Since the launch of JoNI in 2021, the journal has been expanding around the globe. As of April 2023, we are seeing downloads from Educational Institutions (42%), Commercial (41%), Governments (12%), Organizations (1%) and Libraries (1%). Downloading publications are coming from the Americas, Africa, Europe and other parts of the world.
Readership Statistics
To provide an academic journal that helps bridge the gap between academic research and the practices of nonprofit practitioners working on the ground.
Promoting best practices through an online, open-access journal by highlighting the latest research, thought papers, and nonprofit spotlights that address innovative approaches to community and global issues.

Want to share your experience?
Submit an Article
JoNI encourages nonprofit leaders to submit thought papers on their experiences and Academics on research related to social impact and communities.