Nonprofit Collaboration Improves Outcomes

Increase Collaboration. Improve Outcomes.

Posted on 2022-08-05 19:13:17
Did you know that outcomes are improved when nonprofits work with other organizations?

Nonprofits who work together with other nonprofits, see great benefits.

Dr. Angie Holzer, CEO/WikiCharities

What is Collaboration?

There are a variety of different definitions and words that represents what collaboration would be.  Here are a few of the words that are used for collaboration - partnerships, alliances, agreements, consortia, coalitions, joint ventures, sponsorships, communication, cooperation, participation, and/or agreements.  

For this article, we will be using the collaboration definition from a 2011 research study (Felix). 


Collaboration is a method that can be used either formally or informally by a group of individuals who can work side-by-side to share concerns that can bring mutual gain.

Felix, 2011, p.14


Benefits of Collaboration

Nonprofits see many benefits when they work together.

Researchers show that nonprofit organizations see a variety of benefits when they work together. These benefits include improved outcomes, obtaining new opportunities, new information is presented, new social capital is available, greater connections within the community are made, more access to funds and resources are seen.


Challenges of Collaboration

We also need to address the challenges nonprofits face when they work together with other organizations.

When nonprofits work together, there are limitations that are felt and challenges that are experienced in the process.  Research studies show that six main challenges are experienced. Nonprofits often don't work together due to limited time, limited funds, feelings of competition, lack of trust, and smaller nonprofits being dissolved and losing autonomy. A main reason why nonprofits feel competition or lack of trust with other nonprofits is due to the fact that nonprofits often compete for the same funds. There is a feeling of competition when nonprofits need to apply for the same funding that other nonprofits try to obtain. This reduces the desire to work together.  WikiCharities is working hard to create a community of nonprofits that want to work together in order to better improve outcomes. Are you a nonprofit?  Get started today.


Collaborative Model

Models should involve a variety of different groups in our community.

Communities and collaborative groups need to think through the best model that works for their community.  Often we shy away from inclusive different and diverse groups that have different ways of approaching things to reduce friction. However, there needs to be an acknowledgement that friction can happen in these collaborative models.  In doing so, this helps in the effort to work together and improve outcomes. 

This model is a victim-centered approach used by Orange County.  In an interview with Sgt. Juan Reveles, Anaheim Police Department, he states that all groups think differently, but it's important to learn to work together. 


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