Improve Transparency. Improve Trust.
global nonprofit database
WikiCharities provides a way to find trusted nonprofits around the world.
global database
WikiCharities is building a global database for nonprofits where every nonprofit will be searchable by location and topic. “
basic webpage (free)
All nonprofits in the WikiCharities database have their own webpage or profile page on (Tab 1).
full webpage
(annual subscription)
Full transparency is given to all nonprofits who have access to all tabs on their webpage. Annual subscriptions give nonprofits full access to Tabs 1-4.

nonprofit validation
Validated nonprofits on WikiCharities receive a seal of approval once they are fully transparent with all information on their webpage.
post projects
Once a nonprofit is fully transparent on their WikiCharities webpage, and they obtain their WikiCharities validation, they have access to their project tab.
endorsements/referral program
Validated nonprofits and verified users will have the ability to endorse nonprofits based on their interaction and experience with another nonprofit.
7 Tools for Nonprofits
1- Global Database
WikiCharities is building a global database for nonprofits where every nonprofit will be searchable by location and topic. “One of the main reasons why victims of human trafficking don’t get help, is because they don’t know what services are in their community to help them,” says Dr. Holzer, CEO and Founder of WikiCharities.
There are currently 1.8 million US based nonprofits uploaded on the WikiCharities database. These nonprofits are headquartered mainly in the United States, with thousands of US nonprofits also based around the world. WikiCharities is currently moving forward with a pilot program throughout Africa, where nonprofits are being added in Ghana, Uganda, Malawi, and South Africa. All of these nonprofits are partnering with US based nonprofits. The roll out will happen with two different approaches; 1) countries who currently have a nonprofit/charity database can be directly added to our database, 2) nonprofits can be added one-by-one once a validated US based nonprofits makes a referral and request for a partnering nonprofit to be added to the database.
2- Basic Webpage (FREE)
All nonprofits in the WikiCharities database have their own webpage or profile page on Every webpage consists of 60+ questions that allows a nonprofit to list up to date information, post leadership, board members, financials, annual reports, volunteer information, and more. Once a nonprofit is fully transparent with all their information on their WikiCharities webpage, they can apply for a validation. Once a nonprofit is validated, they will have access to the project tab, allowing them to post projects for funding, obtaining volunteers, and give updates on how funds were used. Nonprofits also get a donation link that goes directly to their bank account. WikiCharities takes 0% of donations through the platform.
Nonprofits can use their WikiCharities webpage as their main website if needed. One study found that 30-40% of US based nonprofits don’t have websites or their information is out of date on their website, making it hard to learn about their current activities and find up to date information. It’s guesstimated that 70-80% of nonprofits outside the U.S. don’t have usable websites. WikiCharities aims to make having a webpage or website more affordable by allowing nonprofits to use as their main website.
3- Full Webpage (Annual Subscription)
Annual subscriptions give nonprofits full access to their webpage (Tabs 1-4).
- Tab 1: Basic Contact Information. Add latest contact information, link their social media platforms, add logo and cover image, personalize their URL link, and list their nonprofit’s areas of focus. All focus areas and office addresses will be searchable on the homepage map.
- Tab 2: Philosophy & Approach. Add mission, vision, and value statements, along with short-term and long-term goals. Nonprofits also include leadership, board of directors, volunteer information, partnerships, and more.
- Tab 3: Financial Health. Upload annual financial statements and country reports (ie USA→ 990 form). Nonprofits also receive a donation link, where 100% of the funds go directly and immediately to the nonprofit.
- Tab 4: Impact. Upload annual reports, add media (video and images), and briefly describe impact seen in the previous year. WikiCharities provides templates for annual reports, financial statements, volunteer waivers, and more.
4- Nonprofit Validation
Validation Overview
Validated nonprofits on WikiCharities receive a seal of approval once they are fully transparent with all information on the webpage. "Radical transparency accelerates learning and brings more meaningful work." - Principles by Ray Dalio. There are many benefits for a nonprofit to being transparent with their information.
Here are a few of the benefits that a nonprofit sees when they become transparent with their information.
- Better Results - "I've learned that the people whose opinions matter most are those who know us best --our clients, employees, and those in our same space-- and that our radical transparency serves us well with them." - Ray Dalio, Principles. Nonprofits can benefit a great deal by openly sharing their activities and approaches, then being open to feedback. This leads to better results.
- Improved Trust - When people know that you are transparent with your information and activities, they trust what you are doing more than if you kept that silent. When nonprofits can improve trust in their donors and supporters, they receive a longer commitment to support their efforts. Trust also makes it easier to encourage new supporters to jump on board without a lot of effort.
- Increase Contributions - Transparent nonprofits receive 53% more contributions than nonprofits who aren't. -from the Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 2018.
- Reduce Harmful Office Politics - Principles, by Ray Dalio, pg 308
- Reduce Risks of Bad Behavior that Often Takes Place Behind Closed Doors - Principles, by Ray Dalio, pg 308
- Reduce Fraud - Often fraud happens within a nonprofit when there isn't a transparent environment with funds and activities. By knowing that your organization is open with the financials, and anyone from board members, volunteers, to the public can review your financial information, this had a greater hinderance of an employee committing fraud than allowing information to be hidden.
5- Post Projects
Once a nonprofit is fully transparent on their WikiCharities webpage, and they obtain their WikiCharities validation, they have access to their project tab.
WikiCharities’ project tab offers 3 main purposes to post a project.
- Awareness – A project will become searchable on WikiCharities map by topic, title, and location. This allows anyone to find and support a project based on their interests.
- Funding - Nonprofits can activate a direct donation link that allows funds to go directly to their bank account, while receiving 100% of these funds.
- Volunteers - Requests can be made to find volunteers for a specific project based on location and topic. Individuals and companies can search for volunteer opportunities from validated and active nonprofits through our searchable map.
“One of the main reasons why victims of human trafficking don’t get help, is because they don’t know what services are in their community to help them.
WikiCharities provides a way for nonprofits, and their services, to be searchable by topic and location.”
6- Additional Features
Once a nonprofit is validated, they have access to additional features to bring awareness to their efforts, access resources, collaborate with other nonprofits and endorse other nonprofits to improve trust. As WikiCharities grows, these features will continue to grow.
- Feature 1: Referral Program. A validated nonprofit can send a $10 Off referral link for the annual subscription fee. In return, a nonprofit gets $10 once that nonprofit subscribes to their annual webpage. This provides a way to earn funds for a nonprofit and create a community on WikiCharities.
- Feature 2: Post Projects for Support. Validated nonprofits have access to post projects for fundraising and find volunteers. They can enter a PayPal link that goes directly to their bank account. WikiCharities takes 0% of donations that nonprofits receive through their donation link. The nonprofit also receives the donation immediately, without waiting. This allows nonprofits to use the funds without a wait.
7- Endorsement Program
Validated nonprofits and verified users will have the ability to endorse nonprofits based on their interaction and experience with another nonprofit. WikiCharities wants to help improve trust in a nonprofit prior to the support of donors and volunteers.
Endorsements will be based whether they’ve visited a nonprofit’s headquarters, seen their nonprofit in action, witnessed the use of funds, participated in a project by this nonprofit, and more. By allowing validated nonprofits and users to endorse nonprofits around the world, donors and volunteers will be able to review the experience of others prior to supporting a nonprofit.
8- Nonprofit Spotlights
Nonprofit Spotlight
All validated nonprofits can submit a request to be spotlighted in JoNI, The Journal of Nonprofit Innovation. WikiCharities encourages nonprofits to submit a request when they have innovative ways to solve community and worl issues. A growing concern in the nonprofit sector revolves around nonprofits needing to become aware of best practices and being involved in new ways to solve ongoing problems. JoNI can help spotlight and bring awareness to nonprofits who understand best practices in their field.
Improve Awareness
As WikiCharities grows around the globe, a nonprofit’s search engine optimization improves as they remain active on This brings more awareness to nonprofits as they are easily found in our database. An ongoing challenge for nonprofits is to bring more awareness to their cause(s) and efforts. WikiCharities aims to help in this effort, making it easier to search for and find nonprofits based on a topic and location.
Improve Trust
When a nonprofit increases transparency, there’s an increase level of trust. WikiCharities provides a place where nonprofits can help donors, volunteers, and other nonprofits improve their trust prior to supporting or partnering with a nonprofit organization. When nonprofits become transparent, they naturally improve the trust with those in their community.