Collaboration with International Journals
JoNI is proud to be in the International Journal listing on The International Society for Third-Sector Research.
About the International Society for Third-Sector Research
Founded in 1992, the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) is a major international association promoting research and education in the fields of civil society, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector. ISTR is an organization committed to building a global community of scholars and interested others dedicated to the creation, discussion, and advancement of knowledge pertaining to the Third Sector and its impact on human and planetary well-being and development internationally. As an organization, ISTR is recognized and respected for its global vision, its commitment to excellence, its collaborative approach, and the values of diversity and pluralism with which it pursues its mission.
The Society's mission is to promote the development of high-quality research and education internationally on Third Sector related issues, theories, and policies; and to enhance the dissemination and application of knowledge about the Third Sector as widely as possible throughout the world. ISTR strives to broaden the participation of researchers in all parts of the world and in all disciplines, with special emphasis given to expand the number of Third Sector researchers in developing nations and Central and Eastern Europe.

International Journal.
The Journal of Nonprofit Innovation (JoNI) is listed as an International Journal on the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR).
JoNI Leadership

Marianna Richardson
Chief Editor

Dr. Seth Martinez
Associate Editor

Dr. Angie Holzer
Editorial Board Lead

Erica Bassett
Student Chief Editor
Journal of Nonprofit Innovation is bridging the gap between research and nonprofit practitioners.
Editorial Board Members

Dr. Angie Holzer
Founder, JoNI
Editorial Board Lead

Hannah Cheng, MS
Stanford University
Research Analyst

Jane Mitchell, JD,
Brigham Young University
Faculty, BYU, PhD Candidate, NYU

Dr. Ria Roy
Boise State University
Clinical Associate Professor

Dr. Patrick Panos
University of Utah
Associate Professor

Dr. Rachel George
Duke University
Lecturing Fellow, Duke, Research Director, fp21

Heather Hammond Cruz, MBA
Nu Skin Global CSR Program
Vice President

Beverli DeWalt
WikiCharities Board
Lead Researcher, fp21
Call for Papers - 2023
July/August 2023
October/November 2023